Outline Application
Land West of Pond Close, Overton
Mosaic Urban Design has prepared an outline planning application with all matters reserved except access for 75 dwellings, open space, allotments, landscaping and access.
Land West of Pond Close presents a unique opportunity to provide a place where people of all ages and abilities can grow their own food, enjoy opportunities outdoors for health and wellbeing, participate in local networks and groups, support local businesses and the High Street, play or walk nearby to home, converse with neighbours, walk to school, work from home comfortably and conveniently travel further afield for work, learning or leisure.

As well as a generous provision of open space, including allotments, improvements to the wider pedestrian network for all abilities and ages, including direct access to the sunken lane north of the site provided direct routes to the high street – encouraging the community to shop locally for daily items.