Land Promotion
Garlick’s Arch, Send Marsh, Guildford
Mosaic prepared a Vision Document to support the sucessful allocation of the Land at Garlick’s Arch, Send Marsh in the Local Plan.
The proposed development, up to 500 homes, will form a sustainable extension to the existing settlement and assist with meeting local housing needs. This Vision Document sets out an ambitious and exciting vision for the Land at Garlick’s Arch and identifies the key opportunities and considerations that will be relevant to the emerging proposals for the creation of a new sustainable neighbourhood.

There are a number of potential benefits associated with development of the site. In addition to the provision of a broad range of much-needed family housing that will assist in meeting the Borough’s acute needs, this residential-led development has the potential to provide community facilities/ infrastructure to create a more defined and sustainable ‘centre’ to Burntcommon. This will strengthen the sense of place and identity of the area, whilst providing the necessary ‘critical mass’ of population to support the viability of local facilities, such as a local shop thereby creating a more sustainable community. Highways improvements associated with the development offer the potential to relieve traffic through Send Marsh and Ripley, and the proposed removal of the high voltage electricity pylons running through the site would significantly enhance the visual appearance of both the site and the wider area.